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Cảm biến gia tốc IMV VP-4M2

Mã sản phẩm: VP-4M2
Tình trạng:

Cảm biến gia tốc IMV VP-4M2

Liên hệ
Liên hệ
Resonance frequency > 60,000 Hz
Frequency range fc*1 to 13,000 Hz ±1 dB
Charge sensitivity 0.035 pC/ (m/s2) ±20 %
Capacitance 340 pF
Maximum allowable acceleration 100,000 m/s2
Operating temperature range -50 to +160 °C
Cable connection Sidewise 10-32 threaded connector
Weight 0.2 g
Case material Titanium

*1 fc : The value is defined by the time constant of amplifier

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