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Cảm biến nhiệt độ Nagano Keiki model TB4 Bimetal Thermometer

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Cảm biến nhiệt độ Nagano Keiki model TB4 Bimetal Thermometer

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Model No. TB4_ Bimetal Thermometer

Bimetal thermometers use two metals with different temperature expansion coefficients wound in a helical shape and indicate the temperature by transmitting the deflection of the metal by temperature change to a pointer.


 +Error due to ambient temperature is smaller than that of the filled type.
+Since there is no filled liquid, it is safe. (No pollution)
+Simple design and reasonable price.
*When selecting a thermometer, select one which is normally used
 within a temperature range of 75% or less. Check to confirm that
 the material of the wetted parts is appropriate for the gas or liquid
 to be measured.
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