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Thước đo đường kính trụ Obishi Roll Caliper

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Thước đo đường kính trụ Obishi Roll Caliper

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Roll Caliper

[ Model:ROLL CALIPER ][ Stock No:810 ]
Roll Caliper
  • For measuring large rolls.
  • It is lightweight because light alloy metal is used as the material. (However, the frame is made of Cast Iron)
  • 4 pcs of job run roller have bearings in them and they are precision grinded.
  • Movement on the roll is slow and smooth.
  • A special interval graduation is inprinted on the arm. By matching a bracket onto the work measurement figures, it is possible to easily set a Dial Gauge on the roll center of the work.

*A 0.01mm graduation dial gauge is supplied with the product.
*The storage box is designed in such a way that the main body will have to be disassembled before putting it into the box.

Code No. Model Measurement Range
(Fixed-Type mm)
DA101 810-1 100 – 450 4.3
DA102 810-2 200 – 600 10
DA103 810-3 270 – 800 13
DA104 810-4 400 – 1050 26
DA105 810-5 450 – 1400 34
DA106 810-6 700 – 1600 38
DA107 810-7 1200 – 1900 60
DA108 810-8 1400 – 2000 70

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